real time enterprise

Out of Office with Limited Access to Email [not]

April 30, 2014

This quaint message, “Out of office with limited access to email,” is reminiscent of a bygone era. It reminds me of an earlier age when I get these automatic e-mail responses from people saying they’re out of the office until such and such a date, and until then they’ll only have limited access to e-mail, […]

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Harnessing Feedback Loops to Drive Business Agility

April 30, 2014

You came into work recently and realized a customer or a product or a whole economy had finally lost your trust and you no longer believed it was stable. And you’re right; it isn’t stable. Welcome to the 21st century. So why keep trying to organize and operate your business as if the world was […]

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Five Traits of an Agile Enterprise – Part 1

April 30, 2014

The first trait of an agile organization is transparency because that’s the foundation for trust. And agility is built on trust.

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