I’m Blogging at SCM Globe Now

by Michael Hugos on April 9, 2017

My supply chain modeling and simulation app is used at a growing list of colleges and training programs worldwide. And I’m focusing my attention on writing and speaking about supply chains and simulations. Here’s the link to the blog at SCM Globe —  http://blog.scmglobe.com/?page_id=1485

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Out of Office with Limited Access to Email [not]

by Michael Hugos on April 30, 2014

This quaint message, “Out of office with limited access to email,” is reminiscent of a bygone era. It reminds me of an earlier age when I get these automatic e-mail responses from people saying they’re out of the office until such and such a date, and until then they’ll only have limited access to e-mail, […]

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Leadership for the Agile Organization

by Michael Hugos on April 30, 2014

There are two kinds of leadership; one depends on orders and supervision; the other depends on training and trust. One kind of leadership values control and the other kind values responsiveness. If you are trying to create an agile organization which kind of leadership would you use?

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Innovation means change and change is a delicate proposition. A headhunter retained by a brand name information services company wanted to get my thoughts about a new position they were doing a search for. She described her client as an established company more than 100 years old that is looking for a global head of […]

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A Formula to Measure Business Agility

by Michael Hugos on April 30, 2014

This weekend I spent an afternoon sitting in a coffee house in my downtown Chicago neighborhood pondering what it means to be agile and how to measure it. The place was busy but I got lucky and snagged the cushy armchair next to the plate glass window in front that looks out on the sidewalk […]

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Gone are the days when information technology strategies could be rigid multi-year plans. A company’s goals remain reasonably steady over a two to four year period but the IT strategies employed to accomplish those goals need to be agile; they need to be continuously adjusted. Like setting a ship’s course to reach a distant port, […]

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One of the fastest growing trends in video games is where multiple players play together. Players are not as interested in competing one-to-one as they are in forming guilds or corporations with other players and working together to accomplish common goals. Collaboration may be more powerful than competition. And these games are setting standards for […]

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by Michael Hugos on April 30, 2014

Get out a blank sheet of paper and make two columns. Label the first column “Efficiency” and label the second one “Responsiveness”. Now think about your company and its capabilities.

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Harnessing Feedback Loops to Drive Business Agility

by Michael Hugos on April 30, 2014

You came into work recently and realized a customer or a product or a whole economy had finally lost your trust and you no longer believed it was stable. And you’re right; it isn’t stable. Welcome to the 21st century. So why keep trying to organize and operate your business as if the world was […]

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Five Traits of an Agile Enterprise – Parts 4 & 5

by Michael Hugos on April 30, 2014

A network organization structure and financial fluency are the last two of the five traits of an agile enterprise. Without them, the first three traits will be crippled.

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